Vista a la montaña Hospedaje y hoteles en Carara, Pacifico Central, Costa Rica

De Costa Rica: (506) 2771-4582 De E.E.U.A: 1 (650) 499-4526 Skype: selva.mar

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Pacifico Central

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destacados Vista a la montaña Hoteles Carara, Pacifico Central, Costa Rica

Paquetes y tour recomendados

Escape de Pajareo II

Escape de Pajareo II

Monteverde Area and Central Pacific

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Includes: 2 Nights in Monteverde Area Hotel 2 Nights in Carara area Entrance fees to Reserves Meals as indicated in itinerary (B,L,D) Rented Car (or Land Transfers) Could also include full trip private guide and private tra

The Best of the Pacific

The Best of the Pacific

The Best of the Pacific

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The Best of the Pacific

Exploring Costa Rica is a registered company of Selva Mar Tour Operator 2024.
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